Wednesday 20 August 2014

Proven Ways to Become More Attractive to Men

As much as you would like men to appreciate your inner beauty, when you think about how to be more attractive to men, outward appearance is the first thing that comes to your mind and rightly so. You are a very nice person, caring, polite, helpful, understanding and educated. That is good but good for only you and your friends who know. Do you think that maybe you need to work on yourself a bit harder to be more attractive to men? Have you been looking for the answer that doesn’t require you to do major surgeries on your body? If you have been thinking about getting a surgery because you have been feeling insecure the let me tell you this; think again.
  1. Flash Him Your Smile:- Stone-faced runway models have got it all wrong. A recent study published by the American Psychological Association shows that smiling makes you more attractive since it stimulates the part of his brain associated with sensory rewards. Put simply, you look more approachable with a gleaming grin. So next time you lock eyes over a latte, you know what to do. It’s your best accessory after all.
  2. Reward a Guy With Laughter: – Laughter really is the best medicine for everything… including your love life. A study by a Canadian university says that men are attracted to women who laugh at their jokes. It makes sense, we’re all narcissists at heart and like people more who like us.
  3. Fashion and style:- The way you dress says a lot about you, especially to women. For the most part, men are completely clueless as to what their fashion is saying. Fashion is a silent, powerful language that is constantly being spoken everywhere you go. The few men that know how to speak it get lots of attention while other guys are completely oblivious.
  4. Conversation skills: - Just being able to have a normal conversation goes a long way. You can’t take a girl out unless you’ve had a conversation with her.
  5. Be Submissive: – This kind of overlaps with being feminine. As much as the word has been made into a negative, being submissive is a good thing, and it’s not synonymous with being a door mat or that you have no voice in the relationship.
  6. Be Intelligent:- No man wants a woman that cannot flex her mental muscles.

For More Information Visit: – How to be More Attractive to Men

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